Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV: Supernova Galactic Civilizations IV

Guidance in AlienGPT CustomCiv regeneration

Published on Monday, April 15, 2024 By GrimSigil8102 In GalCiv IV Support

Hi!  First, I was delighted when I recently loaded the game and discovered the citizen customization, so thanks very much to the developers for such a significant upgrade.  I find that I do have two categories of question that I'm hoping someone can help with.

(1) I now have a large collection of civilizations whose citizen types are generic, because prior to the update that allowed AlienGPT to customize citizen types, I had replaced my prior selection of canonical races as citizens for many of my custom civs with the generic types.  Now, of course, unless it makes sense for my custom civ to have a canonical race or a generic race, I'd like them all to have custom races.  However, when I hit "Generate" into a pre-existing civilization, it retains only my selection of the Civilization Traits that are purchased with points.  Even the Civilization Abilities are randomly regenerated, and everything else is likewise reset.  (Also, the Biology is almost always reset to Synthetic for some reason.)  Is this happening because I have left the description blank?  Such that the original description must be re-entered, or a new description based on the brief "Civilization Description" that AlienGPT had generated based on my original?  I was reluctant to re-enter an original description from memory, and wasn't sure what sort of feedback using the AlienGPT-generated "Civilization Description" as the "Short description for AI Generation of Faction."  However, it seems that I've already lost/overwritten some of the custom content; I found that if, after attempting to regenerate it, I then entered the original Cultural Focus and Civilization Abilities, and manually selected a new citizen type, something like the original would re-re-generate, although rarely with the original level of nuance.  Also, I noticed the interesting bug that sometimes the new citizens would retain the name and description of the citizens just previously generated (including, often, the synthetic-biology ones that seem to now be the default!)  I am assuming that I am not following the correct procedure for regenerating a custom civilization to have custom citizens, so can anyone advise?  Also, I don't mind selecting a type and writing in their description manually, but will that allow the game to properly integrate the custom content into gameplay with these custom citizens, or do I *have* to let AlienGPT (re)Generate in order for the custom content to be properly included when the game sets up?

(2) This issue also led to my noticing that the manual selection of the Personality is almost always reset by AlienGPT, even when generating a new civilization from scratch with a new brief description.  Sometimes it even resets the Cultural Focus, and occasionally the Civilization Abilities.  It appears that the point-purchased Traits are always left alone as a creator decision.  So this has led me to wonder: is it best for gameplay to trust that AlienGPT has made its changes intelligently because of the way these Personalities, and the Cultural Focus, and the Civilization Abilities, mechanically function in-game, even if I would have used different words or concepts were I choosing them?  Initially, prior to various updates, it appeared to me that AlienGPT customized partly based on the description and partly based on all of these things being manually selected; now it appears not only to be primarily guided by the description, but even to override manual selections in favor of the description.  However, as I noted above, when something is regenerated without a new description the first time, it resets *everything* except the traits quite randomly, but *then* once manual selections are made for re-re-generation without a new description, it rarely changes them and seem to use them as a guide like it used to.  When a civilization is being created from scratch now, though, it prefers the description to such a degree that only Traits are left unaltered.

So what is the current best practice for creating a custom civilization?  Is it best to make all the manual selections and write a good description, and then leave AlienGPTs choices unaltered, because there is a difference between what actually happens due to the mechanics, and what they look like?  Are the manual selections influencing AlienGPT even if it chooses to change them?  Or does it actually not matter what I do as long as I write a description and select the Traits?  Also: what happens if I do, after generation, manually override something?  Will the in-game behavior still make sense?  Will it match my new manual overrides, the original GPT choices based on my description, or some combination of the two?  Relatedly, what happens if I rewrite some or all of the flavor text that AlienGPT generates? Will this affect in-game behavior, and if so, to what extent?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or guidance anyone can share.  While I realize that I could perhaps learn much of this through trial and error and experimentation with the game, my play-time is quite limited compared to my opportunity to occasionally log in and generate some civs, and so I'm hoping that the time I do get to spend playing isn't derailed by poorly created civs or my own misunderstanding of the best creation practices.





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