No prompt/info on how to merge fleets or how logistics works
Published on Saturday, January 29, 2022 By
- Two or more fleets are in the same hex
- Player wants to merge the fleets into a single fleet
- It is not clear on how to select the ships to group them into a single fleet. The user has to hold SHIFT while selecting multiple fleets to merge them together. This is a common mechanic in 4x games, but not all players may know this.
- It is also not clear that the 'Logistics' level is a cap on the number of ships which can be in a flee together. Again, this is a 4x game concept but it should be more clear.
- Clearly state that the player must hold SHIFT while selecting multiple ships in order to merge.
- Enhance the 'Logistics' element to have a mouseover tool tip which gives a brief explanation of how logistics limits fleet size based on the number of ships and hull types.